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Beary Spot On – Seek For Differences

Beary Spot On – Seek For Differences

by: We Bare Bears

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We Bare Bears: Beary Spot On


Beary Spot On is a fun game that will help you improve your vision. Having strong observational abilities is a skill that comes in handy in a variety of scenarios. Whether you’re in school and see a minor error that will undoubtedly damage your grade, or you notice something minor that might hurt someone else. All of these subtleties may be missed by the untrained eye or by someone distracted with day-to-day concerns.

That is why it is necessary to train one’s eyes to perceive little details! Apart from detecting all of these smaller issues before they escalate into something more serious, you may also appreciate the small pleasures that life has to offer. Finding money on the pavement or spotting a little adorable bug or flower, for example. When you have the ability to watch, you cannot miss such things.

You’ll be able to train your eyes with the notorious We Bare Bears trio this time. Are you ready to take the plunge and test whether you can get the clearest vision?

The bears have also chosen to lend you a hand. That is why the right-hand side of the screen has a large Hint button. When squeezed, one of the previously unseen distinctions will show and then vanish.

You’ll only get three tips throughout the game, so save them for later when things get more challenging. Take care not to squander them because the hints will only be shown for a short time. You won’t know where it is if you don’t pay attention too much.

You should also see a square on the right side. You can check how many more items you have to find and how many you have already seen and discovered.

Remember to keep an eye on the timer below every now and then. You’ll be able to tell how much longer you have for each level this way. You’re out of the game when the timer runs out.

How to play the game Beary Spot On

To complete your training, you must locate all of the differences between the two photographs that will display on your screen and complete all of the stages. Look carefully, and when you believe you’ve found anything, click right on the spot where you think something isn’t quite right.

If the pointer brush draws an X, you clicked too far away from the different region or you were misinformed. If you draw a circle instead, congratulations, you’ve just seen a difference! But don’t get too excited because there are many more to find.

There are several levels, each of which having a greater amount of differences. You’ll start with six, then seven, then eight, and so on until you got to level five.

This game, unlike others of its kind, does not feature uninteresting nature photographs or flower vases. Instead, you’ll only notice differences in photographs from your favorite television program, We Bare Bears. This minor touch will make playing the game more enjoyable for you.

Play and re-play until you’ve completed all five levels, and make sure you have good vision!

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