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Bunnicula In Rescuing Harold

Bunnicula In Rescuing Harold

by: Bunnicula

  • 2.8K
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Bunnicula In Rescuing Harold


Because one of the most charming species is featured in the show, the name of the program is a combination of the terms “bunny” and “Dracula.”

The adorable rabbit that is actually a vampire who like to consume vegetables, particularly carrots, for food and drink

A group of three animals frequently interact with the paranormal and fall into all kinds of difficulties. They are able to overcome whatever difficulties they may face, though, owing to the rabbit and their cooperation.

Chasing Harold is a fun new Bunnicula game that we’re proud to present to you today on! Unexpectedly, Harold is hanging from the ceiling while perched on a lampshade. It’s a good thing Chester and Bunnicula have a plan because nobody knows how we got there.

How to play Chasing Harold

Use Bunnicula’s wizardry to stack the furniture in the necessary configuration so that you can get to Harold. Skills, reasoning, and patience are needed on every level!

  • Desktop

To pick a base, use the left click button on your mouse.

  • Devices with touch screens

If you’re playing on a mobile phone or tablet, tap the screen with your finger to use your finger as a mouse.

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