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Clean Up Challenge

Clean Up Challenge

by: Victor and Valentino

  • 2.8K
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Victor and Valentino: Clean Up Challenge


A hidden object puzzle game based on the Victor and Valentino animated television series is called Victor and Valentino: Clean Up Challenge.

Victor and Valentino like taking on challenges and enjoying games. Cleaning is something they actually detest doing. Well, that irritates people of all stripes. They must clean the rooms quickly, though, so that is a difficulty. Make Grandma Chata pleased by finishing the room’s cleanup before the timer expires.

Stop summoning monsters and don’t throw away your opportunities!

How to play Clean Up Challenge

You have a limited amount of time in each room, so you must touch on a lot of objects before it’s too late to finish cleaning it. Tap on any item that looks trashy, lost, or damaged to get rid of it.

Each new chamber presents a unique challenge with more goods and less time, but if you stay focused and give it your all, you’ll succeed! You will be rewarded for all of your hard work if you repeat that procedure for every room in the house until the game is over. We wish you all the best of success and hope you’ll stay for more of the fantastic material we have today.

  • Desktop

To pick a base, use the left-click button on your mouse.

  • Devices with touch screens

If you’re playing on a mobile phone or tablet, tap the screen with your finger to use your finger as a mouse.

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