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Space Academy

Space Academy

by: Elliott From Earth

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Elliott From Earth: Space Academy


Based on the animated television series Elliott from Earth, Elliott from Earth: Space Academy is a collection of mini-games.

Elliott is fairly daring and eager to try new things and explore his environment, which occasionally may put him in danger but always works out for the best. His mother used to watch a peculiar weatherman on television, and that’s how he got his name. Speaking about his mother, her name is Frankie, and she works as a geologist. She is thrilled that she may now discover extraterrestrial life! Once one of these pebbles is intelligent enough to move them to a parallel universe, they are immediately expelled and the heroes from Earth become aliens.

Since it would be pointless to even consider going back so far, they will now need to re-acclimate to their new surroundings and search for pals. You will assist Elliott in Elliott from Earth Space Academy in his quest to enroll in the Space Academy and become a legitimate pilot and galaxy explorer. However, there are three exams you must pass to join the student body. They have to exhibit the candidates’ dexterity, fast reflexes, and dexterity.

How to play Space Academy

The four challenges in this game are Meteor Hunter, Space Cook, Starship Pilot, and Alien Spotter, and your objective is to finish each of them. To reach the ultimate challenge, which has a different difficulty for each Space Badge, you must unlock each one and collect them all.

Shoot, catch, and look out. This is not a comprehensive list of all the inquiries Elliott will be asked during final examinations and other assessments at the Academy. You’ll eventually graduate and rule the universe as a result.

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